True to its color, fish oil is what gold is to metals, precious and valuable. It is potent, scarce and highly beneficial to human health compared to other nutritional supplements. These little capsules of concentrated sources crucial omega-3 fatty acids that are extracted from sardines, anchovies, mackerel, algae, and other sea habitats are the most popular health nutrients in the world now.

But what is so great about these supplements that they have overtaken all the supplements to become the most popular of the lot? Here are the 5 reasons why the entire is the world is chasing these fish oil capsules and why you should too:

Fish oil guards you against Alzheimer’s disease and cognitive decline:

As we age it is quite common that our normal body functions are no longer at their prime, the same happens with the brain. Memory loss and other cognitive impairments fog the brain and the omega-3 fatty acids in fish oil are found to offer protection against these cognitive problems. Recent medical studies have reported that adults taking regular fish oil supplements had less chance of developing Alzheimer’s disease and other cognitive impairments.

Minimizes the risk of cardiovascular diseases:

Fish oil has always been a popular supplement that protects against heart disease. The concentrated Omega-3 fats not only help in reducing inflammation and triglyceride levels but also induce blood thinning thus helping patients minimizing the heart disease risk. A new study done by American Heart Association has also confirmed that there was a 25 percent drop in the risk of heart attacks and other cardiac diseases among patients on fish oil supplementation compared to another control group.

Fish oil supplement decreases the chance of developing Rheumatoid Arthritis:

Although there is no cure for Rheumatoid arthritis (RA), specific medical techniques and dietary changes are found to help, of which fish oil is a crucial addition. Recent medical studies indicate that Omega-3 fatty acids in fish oil can help patients with RA by preventing the development of RA before the symptoms show up.

Enhances the benefits of exercise:

Fish oil and exercise make a great tag-team if you want to reap the full benefits of the exercise. Researchers have found that the control group with individuals who were supplemented with fish oil after the exercise experienced an enhanced fat loss compared to the only exercise group.

Fish oil helps improve fertility in men and women:

Omega-3 fatty acids in fish oil are often the first nutrients that are advised to be added to your diet by a fertility expert. They not only improve egg quality but also improve healthy sperm production in men. They are also considered essential for providing an ideal balance of reproductive hormones in men and women to induce health pregnancy.

By helping in conceiving a child, improving the development of the brain, enhancing the exercise performance, fending off the risk of major diseases, fish oil has soon become a health supplement that is beneficial for every age group irrespective of gender. So, if you want to zero-in on one health supplement for an overall health benefit grab a fish oil supplement.
